If you have been around the Internet at all this Christmas season you may have seen the #LIGHTtheWORLD campaign being promoted by our church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). We blogged about how we are participating specifically at this blog post. This campaign hit close to home for me because my […]
Kale Brownies
These Kale brownies are an easy and delicious treat. Kale was launched at convention and we are already LOVING it in our daily cooking. It is such a healthy food and easy to “sneak” some extra veggie power into almost any dish. This is a great way to use it even in a DESSERT! Ingredients: […]
Coconut Chocolate Chip Brownies
My family does weekly Sunday dinners at my mom’s house and each of us brings an item to go along with the main dish that she will be cooking. Some weeks I just DO NOT feel like going to the grocery store and this was one of those weeks. I volunteered to make the dessert […]
Patriotic Jello with Freeze-Dried Fruits
We originally posted this on our Food Storage Made Easy blog but thought it would be fun to share it here too since it uses Thrive freeze-dried fruits. This patriotic jello is completely a “shelf stable” recipe if you use freeze-dried fruits in it. It also works perfectly fine with regular fruit and cool-whip. It’s […]
Cauliflower and Mac and Cheese
My 3rd son has broken me. Up until him I could get my kids to eat vegetables. My first ate them easily. My second ate them with some negotiating. But my 3rd just HATES them. As he has gotten older we’ve been able to work with him to eat more and more but he still […]
Make-Ahead Muffin Mixes
My kids LOVE when I make them “hot” breakfasts. I do not love making hot breakfasts. I’m more of a “sleep until the last possible moment” kind of gal. Well I’ve been trying to better about it this year and have come up with some tricks that help. We often have breakfast for dinner and […]