If you have been around the Internet at all this Christmas season you may have seen the #LIGHTtheWORLD campaign being promoted by our church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). We blogged about how we are participating specifically at this blog post. This campaign hit close to home for me because my little sister is currently serving a mission for our church for 18 months and I am glad she is getting the chance to serve others while we are doing our own acts of service back home. The idea is to do something each day in December to serve in the same ways that Christ served when he was on the earth. It’s really been amazing to see what everyone has been doing to Light the World this month!
My mom and I decided to help serve my sister by helping her out with some meals because we know how hard it can be for 19 year old girls to have the time, energy, and knowledge to cook on their own day after day. And this can give them a little break on those busy days around the holiday season.

We used the 6 recipes from our Meals in a Jar eCookbook and made one of each one in a ziplock bag. We didn’t worry about long-term preservation as I’m pretty sure they will eat these all within a week or two 😉 I did full recipes but you could easily cut them in half for just a single college student or someone without a fridge to store leftovers.
If you have a lot of these ingredients in your own food storage or home store you can experiment with making a few of your own for a loved one in a similar situation. Or feel free to make them in jars for cute neighbor gifts. We also have a cute Christmas Cookie jar recipe we posted last year that you can use for teachers or neighbors, etc.

- Jodi Weiss Schroeder

Tater says
If I anticipated as much as a three week delay in using those meals,I would put those meals in food saver bags ,so they were vacumed packed. It helps to keep moisture from invading anything stored. I live in high humidity area and would include silica pack from medications/vitamins if available. just use microwave for few seconds to drive out mositure and pop it in. That extra level of protection can save a lot of food that way.