If you haven’t heard of the new Simple Plate meals by Thrive Life, this may be the month that you should learn about them and give them a shot. I’ve been trying them about once a week since they launched a few months ago and am pretty excited about the concept in general.
I use simple plate as a replacement to eating out on a busy night where I don’t have time or energy to answer the “what’s for dinner” question but can’t face hauling my four kids to a restaurant by myself either. I literally can make these in about 15 minutes and most of that time is spent waiting for water to boil so I can tidy the kitchen while i’m cooking. The servings are large enough that I can feed 4 kids with a 2-serving meal if I’m eating something else for myself.
This month there is a NEW simple plate being launched that I’m super excited about! It uses some of our seasonal ingredients (sweet potatoes and cranberries) and sounds super delicious. Click the image below to learn more about how to get Thrive Simple Plate meals delivered to you on a regular basis and to learn more about this amazing CHICKEN POT PIE meal.


- Jodi Weiss Schroeder

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