Thrive is kicking off the summer with some delicious recipes and great monthly specials. The Summer Lovin’ Pack is a sampling of pantry cans of some of Thrive’s most popular products that can help you spend less time in the kitchen and more time in the sun. The summer lemonade and limeade are back and stock and are perfect for summer lemonade stands, popsicles, and any recipes needing some flavor. There is also a great new host promotion to give you some extra benefits if you want to host a party.
Deals this Month
Check out this month’s specials. Thrive has some of their most popular foods available at a discount!
What’s on the Menu?

Sip Back and Relax
Grab a can of the Classic Lemonade or Summer Limeade for a sweet and sour drink to help you cool off from the summer rays! Also if you sign up as a consultant between now and July 21 you will get a FREE can of Limeade AND Lemonade just as a special thank you from Thrive.

Summer Host Promotions
There are some HUGE host promotions if you want to host a party this summer. We do fun Facebook events where your friends can learn more about Thrive and how to use it. We give them access to our best deals and do giveaways just for participation.
This summer on top of the regular generous host benefits you can also earn either a free pantry organizer shelf, pulled pork meal pack, or can of instant quinoa … depending on the total party sales at your event. Click here to view the full flyer for details or click here to book your party date now!

- Jodi Weiss Schroeder

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