With school fast approaching, it’s important to start prepping your kids to have optimum brainpower! To help, THRIVE is offering our most nutritious foods at a discounted price for the month of August!

You can purchase the lunch pack that’s on special or any of the products individually on sale. The lunch pack 1 pantry can of : Peanut Flour, Raspberries, Honey Whole Wheat Dough Mix, Chopped Chicken, Celery, Passionfruit Yogurt Bites, and Chopped Onions
Here’s a little bit more info on the products in the specials lunch pack.
Peanut Flour: Check out this recipe for making peanut butter. You can also watch Chef Todd make the peanut butter and some jam from scratch on this video. He also gives you plenty of other ideas on how to use peanut flour!
Raspberries: One of the nicest things about having freeze-dried fruit on hand is always having some fresh fruit you can add to lunches even if you haven’t been shopping. The raspberries are so good they feel like a treat.
Honey Whole Wheat Dough Mix:The honey whole wheat dough mix is so easy to make. Running out of bread is a common problem when going back to school and having this on hand is great. It’s also great for pizza dough, rolls and other recipes.
Chopped Chicken, Celery, and Chopped Onions: If your kids (or you) get sick of standard peanut butter and jelly sandwich, this simple chicken salad is a great alternative. It comes together so quickly and you can alter the recipe to only make a little at a time.
Passionfruit Yogurt Bites:The yogurt bites are a great alternative to fruit snacks and kids LOVE them.

- Jodi Weiss Schroeder

Heather says
Jodie and Julie, I’m sure you have addressed this so maybe you could just point me in the right direction, but price wise and nutritionally, is it better to buy and use the food storage over buying the fresh item? (I.e. Peanut butter powder vs jar of peanut butter, dried raspberries vs fresh, milk vs dehydrated milk)? Hope this makes sense! Thanks!!!
Jodi and Julie says
Some items can save you money by using them. Others are more of a time/convenience factor. If I can make dinner in 5 minutes at home versus spending $30 for fast food it doesn’t matter to me if the freeze-dried chicken is a little more expensive. I find I specifically save money on vegetables as I am always throwing away food that goes bad. I used to save a lot of money using eggs and milk in baking but prices have gone up now so it’s hard to compare. Hope that helps a little bit!