My kids always like to have a fun way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. I was out of town last weekend and didn’t have time to get anything super fun organized. So I did what all good moms do and resorted to searching Pinterest for ideas. I found this cute idea for shamrock sugar cookies that includes a little lesson idea to teach kids about how the Godhead is individual people but one in purpose. We do a little spiritual family lesson and/or activity every Monday night so this was perfect for us!

I of course like to make things EASIER so I decided to use a leftover Christmas Sugar Cookie Mix I had and added a package of Lime Jello out of my food storage. I also squirted in some green food coloring and lime juice to give it a little extra pizazz. You can add an optional glaze to give it even more lime flavor. I used 1 cup powdered sugar mixed with 2 T. lime juice and it was perfect.

Roll the prepared cookie dough into little nickel-sized balls and put them together in groups of three. Flatten them down using a glass. Then bake for 11-12 minutes at 350 degrees. Let cool before adding the glaze on top.
HERC Tea Light Candle Oven
Last week we were able to get together with the owner of Titan Ready USA who introduced us to his fantastic HERC XXL Oven that can bake food INDOORS like a traditional oven using only tea light candles. It really is a unique product and we were excited to try it out. I decided to cook dinner and the cookies in it tonight to break it in. Here is a little overview of my experiment.
To learn more about the HERC XXL Oven visit Titan Ready USA.
Meals in a Jar Cookbook
As mentioned in the video, you can get the recipe for the broccoli chicken rice bake in our new Meals in a Jar cookbook that includes 6 kid-friendly recipes, ingredients lists, and cute printable labels for just $3.
Click here to learn more or buy now.

- Jodi Weiss Schroeder

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