Quite often we get asked, Why Thrive? Well there are a lot of reasons why we love and use THRIVE in our daily cooking. Through this series we have covered many of the benefits of Thrive. Read more about each one on their individual posts:
Today’s THRIVE benefit we will be covering is Thrive’s cost efficiency. Take a look at how consultant Tammy Hogan saves on her food budget with Thrive.
The New Fast Food
The average American eats fast food 159 times a year—that’s at least 3 times a week. With fast food running $5-10 a meal, that can add up to around $100 a month per person! With THRIVE, there’s no need to spend that much for quick meals; everything you need for fast, filling meals is already in your pantry.
Beat the Impulse Buy
Using THRIVE means fewer grocery store visits, which not only saves on gas money, but also removes the notorious temptation of impulse buys. Studies show that anywhere from 20–70% of all purchases are impulse buys, and that the average person spends $114,293 on impulse buys in their lifetime! By getting your food shipped to you, you’ll stay out of stores and save big.
How Do I Start Saving?
The great thing about THRIVE is you don’t have to spend any more money than you usually would on food. Just take a portion of the money you’re already spending on food—maybe $200 of your family’s $600 monthly food budget—put it toward THRIVE instead, and start seeing the savings!
Become a consultant and get THRIVE for free
Most consultants earn enough commission to cover their monthly THRIVE shipments! Even if you’re not a consultant, you can still get free and half-price THRIVE foods by hosting a Thrive Life party. Now that’s the way to get the shopping done. Learn more…

- Jodi Weiss Schroeder

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