What are your favorite ways to stay healthy on the go? You know what ‘on the go’ means.. Those times when you are rushing out the front door and do not have much time to grab something because you are trying to do too many things at once… while still getting everyone else out the door! Ideally, of course, without leaving anyone behind or forgetting to grab the essentials for your next adventure or mind-numbing errand? Haha. Let’s be honest we always forget something, am I right?!
Do you have a secret snack stash that you can grab from or do you always have to prep your snacks and grab the cooler before you leave? We love our freeze dried snacks for this very reason – NO prep necessary, just SCOOP & TOSS into your favorite small container and hit the road (Dollar store containers work great, too) If you are looking for even more convenience you can include some Thrive Snackies in your snack stash! Bananas, sweet corn, green peas, and pineapple Snackies are included in this month’s specials! CLICK HERE to snack smarter and add to your collection.
Maybe snacking is not your thing, but you cannot pass up a nutritious delicious shake or smoothie! Here are some suggestions to get your taste buds rolling! Simply follow the recipes as is or be creative! Gather your own favorite dry ingredients in a jar and then add your wet ingredients to the blender before heading out – don’t forget to take your smoothie with you! Not sure if you have time to blend your goodies and clean your appliances? I hear you! Blend your dry ingredients into a fine powder first, then shake it on the go in your favorite blender bottle! I love doing this with bananas because I can add them to just about everything! Mmmmm… time to go make some more banana powder! 🍌 What are your favorite smoothie ingredients? Tell us below, we would love to hear from you!
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