I’ve been attempting to cook healthier lately and minimizing things like refined flour and sugar. I love learning about eating raw foods and a more plant-based diet, however that doesn’t always work well with my little ones. So I have been browsing around for healthy recipes that I can enjoy that are also popular with the kiddos. Surprise surprise the desserts seem to be the easiest for them to take a liking to.
I’ve loved how I can use Thrive fruits and vegetables in so many of these healthy recipes to cut prep time down dramatically and to avoid having to run to the store as often to get fresh produce. Thrive has literally been a life-saver (or at least a diet-saver) for me.
Without further ado, here is a dessert recipe that is raw, vegan, gluten-free, and features Thrive raspberries (which also happen to be one of the March Monthly Specials!)

Recipe adapted from recipe in Green Smoothie Girl: Readers’ Favorite Recipes book
Crust Ingredients:
3/4 c. raw walnuts, almonds, pecans (I used 1/4 c. of each)
3/4 c. soft Medjool dates
1/4 tsp. sea salt (I used pink himalayan salt)
Crust Instructions:
Pulse together the nuts, dates, and salt in a food process. Mixture should be slightly crumbly and sticky. Pour it into a pie pan and press together to form a pie crust on the bottom and sides of the pan.
Filling Ingredients:
1 1/2 c. raw cashews (soaked at least 5 hours)
juice of 2 lemons
1 tsp. Thrive Vanilla Powder
1/3 c. coconut oil (melted)
1/3 c. blue agave (you can use honey if not worried about being vegan)
1 c. Thrive Freeze-Dried Raspberries
Filling Instructions:
Heat the coconut oil and agave (or honey) until melted. Combine all ingredients except raspberries into blender. Once well-blended pour 2/3 of the batter into the pie crust. Crush up the freeze-dried raspberries and spritz with water. Wait a few minutes until slightly hydrated. Combine with the remaining 1/3 of the batter and pour overtop of the other layer. Place in freezer until ready to serve.
WARNING: This is so delicious it will even be loved by “non-healthy” eaters. I brought it to a Sunday dinner for my own dessert so that I wouldn’t feel bad about missing the regular dessert and the entire thing ended up being eaten by the rest of my family.

- Jodi Weiss Schroeder

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