With summer in full swing we thought we would share with you our favorite go-to potluck recipe. The reason this is a go-to for us is because it’s shelf stable. Meaning we have all these ingredients ready to go in our home store.

Texas Caviar (Black Bean Salsa)
½ tsp. salt and ½ tsp. pepper
¼ C. olive oil
¾ C. Vinegar
1/3 C sugar
Rinse and Drain:
1 can each: black eyed peas, pinto and black beans (can also use cooked instant beans)
1 C. corn (reserve liquid) or freeze-dried corn
1 small jar pimento or roasted Red Peppers
1 Green and/or red pepper dehydrated (reconstitute in juice from corn)
Mix all Ingredients. Make 4-6 hours ahead of time. Serve with tortilla chips.
The Process

REHYDRATING the veggies in corn juice
The CHUNKY mixture (drained)
The LIQUID mixture
The glorious FINAL RESULT

- Jodi Weiss Schroeder

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