Quite often we get asked, Why Thrive? Well there are a lot of reasons why we love and use THRIVE in our daily cooking. Through this series we have covered many of the benefits of Thrive. Read more about each one on their individual posts:
Today’s THRIVE benefit we will be covering is that Thrive food is CONVENIENT HEALTHY. This is probably one of the main reasons we started buying and selling Thrive. For so long we worked on building a home store with grains, sugar, and flours. What was severely lacking from our home stores were good fruits and vegetables. Since eating fruits and vegetables is something we do in our daily lives, we didn’t want to leave those out of our home stores. Thrive filled the gaps in our home stores so beautifully.
It’s obvious that eating THRIVE is better for you than chowing down on processed or fast food. But have you thought about how THRIVE stacks up against the grocery store? THRIVE foods typically keep their fresh taste and nutrients better than their produce aisle counterparts, and they aren’t full of harmful additives and preservatives. You can rest easy knowing that THRIVE is the healthy choice for your family.
Take a look at why this farm girl loves Thrive.
Fresher than “Fresh”
If you don’t think freeze dried foods compare to fresh, think again! The natural taste and nutrition of our foods are preserved during the freeze drying process. While fresh foods start losing flavor and nutrients the moment they’re picked, THRIVE stays healthy and fresh-tasting for years to come. Take a look at the journey your “fresh” food takes from farm to fork compared to THRIVE—you might be surprised at what you find!
The Natural Choice
We believe foods should be preserved naturally. While canned foods are often over-processed or full of preservatives, THRIVE is different. The freeze drying process allows us to preserve our foods naturally, and we work hard to make sure that our foods remain as close to their natural state as possible. Take a look at our labels—most have just one ingredient!
Trimming the Fat
When you have the ingredients for quick, delicious meals at your fingertips, you won’t have to turn to fast food or restaurants. The average fast food meal contains an astonishing 1,200 calories and 53 grams of fat—how much could you trim from your diet by eating homemade meals with THRIVE? Take a look at a typical fast food vs. a homemade meal. The choice to cook with THRIVE will end up being even better for your health than it is for your wallet!

- Jodi Weiss Schroeder

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