I have a secret love for restaurant copy cat recipes. I even made an entire PF Chang dinner for our traditional Chinese food New Year’s Even dinner the year that we were on a tight budget and couldn’t afford to go out for it. I also love the IHOP country griddle cakes and the Denny’s french toast all found in the Top Secret Restaurant Recipes 2 cookbook pictured at the left.
Since I have a large family the french toast recipe always uses up a ton of my eggs because we make a double or triple batch. I decided to try the recipe with powdered eggs and powdered milk to save a little time and hassle having to run to the store for more. It’s also great to know that in a powerless emergency where I lose all my fridge foods I can still have a yummy normal meal for my kids. Both the powdered eggs and powdered milk are ON SALE this month. Check them out along with the other monthly specials.

Here is the recipe with my Thrive substitutions added in parenthesis.
Denny’s Fabulous French Toast
4 eggs (4 T. Thrive whole egg powder + 8 T. water)
2/3 c. whole milk (2 T. Thrive non-fat powdered milk + 2/3 c. water)
1/3 c. all-purpose flour
1/3 c. white sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. cinnamon
6 slices thick bread
Directions: If using powdered ingredients, mix the dry ingredients together with the egg powder and milk powder. Then add the water called for to reconstitute the powders along with the vanilla. Blend well. (If using traditional ingredients just mix all the ingredients together and blend well.) Soak each slice of bread for thirty seconds on each side then drop onto a buttered skillet. Cook each side until golden brown.
Combine the dry, then add water
Soak, then cook
Strawberry Syrup Recipe
1 1/2 c. Thrive freeze dried strawberries
2 c. water
1/2 c. sugar
1 T. lemon juice
Blend all together and enjoy!
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